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Covid 19 Update

From 13th September 2022 as the Covid Protection Framework is no longer in use, masks will not be mandatory at Vincents. You may continue to use one if you wish.

You may now eat and drink in the studio as well.

Please continue to follow all public health guidelines including not attending the studio if you have any cold or flu symptoms such as:

  • a new or worsening cough
  • sneezing and runny nose
  • a fever
  • temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the staff team on 04 499 1030 or email


Our Funders / Supporters

 Ministry of Social Development

 Wellington City Council


 Lottery Grants Board


 Empire Fergusson Masonic Lodge No. 225

 Lion Foundation


T G Macarthy Trust


NZ Community Trust


 Wellington City Creative Communities



Pub Charity

Box Trust for Mental Health

Betty Campbell Accommodation Assistance Grant

F H Muter Trust

E M Pharazyn Trust

C H Izard Bequest

John Ilott Charitable Trust

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