Any contribution (small or large) would make a positive difference to Vincents and would be very, very welcome.

Vincents is now set up with Giv2, a new, easy way to donate money to charities.
If you are already set up with Giv2, you can donate in 3 clicks. Signing up is easy if you haven’t done it already.
Click on the link to sign-in and set-up or donate:

You can also donate to Vincents using Givealittle:
Bank Transfer
Online donations can be made to our bank account: 06-0582-0172864-00
Please put your name in the reference field and call it "Donation" for our file purposes.
Friends of Vincents (Ongoing donations )
Ongoing donations are wonderful and help us to plan for the future.
These can be made by regular, automatic payments to our bank account:
Please send us your postal address. We will send you a receipt at the end of the tax year. We will also send you a letter of acknowledgement with our news for the previous year.
(All donations over $5 qualify for a tax rebate of one third of the donation at the end of the tax year.)
Charities Commission Number: CC29001
Return and Refund Policy
A payment to Vincents Art Workshop via this website is a donation which will be used to fund the work of our service.
Vincents Art Workshop is a not-for-profit organisation and is a community of healing and creativity in the heart of Wellington. Vincents supports people who have an experience of mental illness, people with disabilities and also welcomes all people in the community within a philosophy of inclusion. All people are welcome to follow their creative journey in our accessible venue at no cost.
If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to Vincents Art Workshop, we will honour your request for a refund within 5 working days of your donation. Any donation made fraudulently by any means will be refunded.
If you believe that an error has been made with regard to your donation, or you wish to make an amendment to a future donation please contact us on (04) 499-1030.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy on the internet is important to us and we are committed to maintaining the privacy of website users and supporters.
We do not share the information you’ve given us with other parties without your explicit permission. We will not make your street address publicly available. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so using the link in the footer of every email.