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Monthly Workshops on Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12:30 pm. There is no charge (koha welcome) but you will need to book in to be sure of a place (12 people max) and please arrive by 10:30am.

Bookings / cancellations: ph 04 499 1030 or email

Mini Workshops are offered on other Tuesday mornings. This is an accessible activity which is different each week and you can join in whenever you want to. You do not need to book for these. 




10am - 5pm General Studio


10:30am - 1:30pm Tuesday Workshops and Main Studio 

1:30pm - 7:00pm General Studio including Clay Room and Tool Workshop


10am - 5pm General Studio


11am - 4pm Women's Day (open to all people who identify as women)


10am - 5pm General Studio




Our Funders / Supporters

 Ministry of Social Development

 Wellington City Council


 Lottery Grants Board


 Empire Fergusson Masonic Lodge No. 225

 Lion Foundation


T G Macarthy Trust


NZ Community Trust


 Wellington City Creative Communities



Pub Charity

Box Trust for Mental Health

Betty Campbell Accommodation Assistance Grant

F H Muter Trust

E M Pharazyn Trust

C H Izard Bequest

John Ilott Charitable Trust

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