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Donations of Art Materials and Equipment

Vincents Art Workshop relies on donations of art materials and equipment so our artists can continue to explore a wide range of art mediums. Donations of the following are always appreciated:



Artists’ acrylic paints
Artists’ oil paints
Paint brushes
Printing and Screen Printing inks
Good quality paper e.g. watercolour paper
Sewing Machines in good working order
Wood (especially sheets of plywood)

We can turn almost anything into works of art!
Please contact us on 04 499 1030 or by email if you are able to help.

Our Funders / Supporters

 Ministry of Social Development

 Wellington City Council


 Lottery Grants Board


 Empire Fergusson Masonic Lodge No. 225

 Lion Foundation


T G Macarthy Trust


NZ Community Trust


 Wellington City Creative Communities



Pub Charity

Box Trust for Mental Health

Betty Campbell Accommodation Assistance Grant

F H Muter Trust

E M Pharazyn Trust

C H Izard Bequest

John Ilott Charitable Trust

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