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Vincents' Artist Group on Facebook

We have created a Facebook group for any Vincents artists to join.

Through the creation of a positive and supportive environment many people have found their involvement in Vincents to be therapeutic. Vincents offers a unique model that uses the creative process to help resolve the internal conflicts a person may be experiencing, enabling the development of self-esteem and individual potential.

We offer this page as an extension of Vincents. It can be a way to continue to explore art and creativity and to stay in touch with each other.

Please click here to request to join the group.


Click here for Online Tutorials


Our Funders / Supporters

 Ministry of Social Development

 Wellington City Council


 Lottery Grants Board


 Empire Fergusson Masonic Lodge No. 225

 Lion Foundation


T G Macarthy Trust


NZ Community Trust


 Wellington City Creative Communities



Pub Charity

Box Trust for Mental Health

Betty Campbell Accommodation Assistance Grant

F H Muter Trust

E M Pharazyn Trust

C H Izard Bequest

John Ilott Charitable Trust

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