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Our first trial blog post

Because we'd like to try out our new toy - our new website - this is a trial blog post. And what better to blog but a copy of our Mission Statement.

Mission Statement

Vincents Art Workshop is a place of learning and creativity, which contributes to healthy communities.

Vincents Art Workshop is an essential social service set up in 1985 in response to Government policies of deinstitutionalisation from psychiatric hospitals. It is a community based initiative providing access to arts and craft facilities, skilled tuition, and materials within a supportive environment.

People with disabilities, those moving into the community from institutions, the unemployed, people on low incomes and anyone at all from the wider community are welcome! An average of 30 people use the workshop every day, and all work together to make Vincents an exciting and creative place to be. Vincents has a philosophy of inclusion.

Through the creation of a positive and supportive environment many people have found their involvement in Vincents to be therapeutic. Vincents offers a unique model that uses the art process to help resolve the internal conflicts a person may be experiencing, enabling the development of self esteem and individual potential.

Vincents operates on a holistic health philosophy where focus is on potential and ability rather than disease and disability. We believe that all people have a right to artistic and creative expression - everyone is creative in some way and acceptance of the value of one’s own creativity is something to be nurtured.

We provide an art space, art materials and equipment, together with a high standard of art, craft and construction tuition - and, importantly, a supportive structured workshop with skilled tuition in particular techniques or mediums. Most activities offered are free. Some (like Life Drawing) have a small charge and, of course, donations are always very welcome.


Our Funders / Supporters

 Ministry of Social Development

 Wellington City Council


 Lottery Grants Board


 Empire Fergusson Masonic Lodge No. 225

 Lion Foundation


T G Macarthy Trust


NZ Community Trust


 Wellington City Creative Communities



Pub Charity

Box Trust for Mental Health

Betty Campbell Accommodation Assistance Grant

F H Muter Trust

E M Pharazyn Trust

C H Izard Bequest

John Ilott Charitable Trust

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